Operation Manager Accountiably Chart


Daily processes in which our company is built to run by. This chart is to lay out the responsibilities which you as the Operation Manager will be accountable for. It is important that our daily operation processes are tracked and controlled as we grow. Keeping our core values in sight over everything else. As we grow as both a team and as a company it is most important we ourselves are true to our process and believe in it. Although our processes may change over time as we grow and thrive to improve our services, it is important no changes are made without consultation with the management team and providing and completing a proper and thought-out SOP for the change. Only after full agreement and process workshops are achieved may our operations be updated. We are looking forward to this adventure and growing together both professionally and personally.

Accountability chart


  • Quality Control / Customer relations
    • On selected jobs you will be tasked to visit house calls after a service was performed by other team members. During these visits you will overlook the work that was done and ensure our core values are being upheld. While also confirming our customer is satisfied with the service we provided. 
      • Quality Check Form 
        • This form will be requested to be filled out and submitted during each quality control visit.
  • Tech Support
    • As Operation Manager you will be the main contact to, and up to 4 techs. If any questions regarding plumbing code, etiquette and/or company procedure will be directed to you.
      • If an answer can not be given and consulting is required, only then shall you reach out to higher management.

One Off Jobs / New Construction 

  • Bibing Work 
    • As Operation Manager you will be responsible for bidding work. 
      • Onsite assessments and/or plan review 
      • Bibs are to be built using the provided estimate temp sheet in google drive.
        • Quote will be built and sent to customer by Office Manager after bid sheet is submitted   
  • Schedule

                      As Operation Manager you will be responsible for scheduling jobs. Schedule is to be made inside Jobber. Assigning team members and confirming appointments.

  • Quality Control 
    • As Operation Manager you will be responsible to overlook the work that was done and ensure our core values are being upheld.
    • As Operation Manager you will be the main contact to, and up to 4 techs. If any questions regarding plumbing code, etiquette and/or company procedure will be directed to you. 
      • If an answer can not be given and consulting is required, only then shall you reach out to higher management.
  • Material Ordering
    • As Operation Manager you will be responsible for ordering all material to get the job started. 
      • Material is to order by converting vendor quote to an PO 
        • All PO # are to match Jobber job number
      • Material needed after job has started 
        • This material is to be ordered by team members on site 
  • Job Tracking 
    • As Operation Manager you will be responsible for tracking all time and material cost on all jobs under your supervision. 
      • Confirming team members are clocked into jobs and their time tracking is running. 
      • Confirming team members and yourself are adding all job expenses into the Jobber app and linking to the correct job.  

Weekly Breakfast 

  • Groceries 
    • It will be your responsibility to gather needed items for our weekly tech meeting which will be held every Wednesday from 7:30am -8:30am 
    • A budget will be provided every Friday during our operation meeting
    • It will be your responsibility to make the menu
  •  Cooking 
    • It will be your responsibility to cook breakfast for up to 10 people. 
      • Shall more than 10 people attend help will be provided 
  • Clean up
    • All team members are responsible for cleaning up after themselves 
    • You will be responsible for cleaning the cooking wear and cooking area. 

Required Platforms 

  • Jobbers
    • Scheduling
    • Expense tracking 
  • Asana 
    • Task assigning 
    • Task completions 
    • Email replying
      • All emails will be forwarded to VA 
        • All emails containing information regarding job specs and or drawings will be added to job notes inside Jobber 
        • All emails containing your responses will be assigned to you as a task and a due date within 2 days from email will be set 
  • Podium 
    • All calls and/or text messages are to be done inside podium