Drain Cleaning Process

Objective: This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) outlines the responsibilities and procedures for an  assistant in   Budd’s Plumbing to track down a key performance indicator that tracks our overall conversion of the marketing spend we are spending within Budd’s Plumbing .  

The purpose of this document is to explain and show our process for drain cleaning services. It is important that every step is followed as instructed. If any changes are made, all team members should be notified and provided with the necessary tools and training as needed. 

Drain Clog Call 

 1.  Review Schedule in Jobber

        1.  Click on next appointment job (Blue) block

        2.  Review request instruction 

        3.  Click on address direction symbol (green) 

        4.  Review direction, maps may be used while driving 

        5.  Return to Jobber 

        6.  Click on message tag on top right corner of screen 

        7.  Click green “Send on my way Text”  

        8.  Select approximate drive time to this visit < Click green “Send Text  

        9.  Proceed to the location 

2.  Arrival to property

         1.  Only when necessary is the truck to be parked in or in front of the customer driveway.

         2.  Introduce yourself to the customer sharing your first name and asking

               the customer to show and explain the task at hand.

                Example: Hello, (customer name) my name is (Name) with Budd’s Plumbing.

                How are you today? I understand you are having some plumbing issues?

                ( be sure to express empathy to the customer and understanding although
                 we may see this every day, they don’t. )  If you don't mind I’ll take a look

                    and come up with some solutions and get you taken care of. 

          3.  Asses the situation 

          4.  Click on Notes < Add Notes

          5.  Click green + under attach files < take a Photo ( min of two photos required)

          6.  Type short clear description explaining photo Click Quotes checkbox

          7.  Click green Save

3.  Building a Quote 

                1.  Click on green “Convert to Quote” 

                2.  Input Job title < Example: Toilet Clog 1st floor bath

                3.  Click in green + next to Line Items 

                4.   Search line items that best describes the task(s) at hand

                5.  Click green “Add to Quote

                6.   Review line item and confirm Quantity 

                        i.  If line item is an upgrade and/or up sale mark line item as optional by

                            clicking on toggle.Turning it green 

                        ii.  If an item is recommended click on toggle. Turning it green 

                 7.  Click on green “Save Line Item”

                         a. If additional line items are needed, repeat steps 3-7

                 8.  Review Quote, Adding message to client click on green +, if special instructions

                         or notes are needed. 

                  9.  Click on green “Review & Send” Review with customer if present. 

                 10.  Click green “Next” < Send by text message< Click green “Send Text”

                  11.   Customers will receive the quote via text message. 

                           a. Customer is present at the time of the visit 

                                   i.  Inform customer quote was sent via text message

                           b.  Customer is not present at the time of the visit

                                    i. Waiting no more than 15 mins after the quote was sent. If no reply nor

                                       approval is received, notify the office via text message you are moving

                                         on to the next visit. 

Note: Scroll down on page to refresh to check for approvals 

4.  Quote has been Approved and Work can be done on this visit 

           1.  Click on green “Schedule Job” 

           2.  Review “New Job” page to confirm no changes have been made

           3.  Select todays date

           4.  Select start time and estimated end time (If task at hand is to excess

                  3 hrs, check with office for scheduling ) 

           5.  Click green “Save”

           6.  Click green “ Send Booking Confirmation” < Send by text messages< Sent Text

            7.  Return to Schedule

            8.   Click green Visit tab for current customer 

Quote Approved and Work is to be scheduled for a later date 

            1.  Click on green “Schedule Job” 

            2.  Review “New Job” page to confirm no changes have been made

            3.  Select Schedule Later

            4.  Notify the office via text Job is to be rescheduled. Explain reason for rescheduling purpose.

                  Example: Items are on order, Permit is needed, Job needs more time than this day allows. 

             5. Move on to next scheduled visit

Note: All rescheduled visits are to be done by the schedule manager.

Start Job

         1. Click green “Start Time” 

         2. Proform work quoted and approved

         3. Floor covering must be put down in work area 

         4. Keep work area clean while working 

           6.  Complete Visit

                       1.  Click Notes < Add Notes

                       2. Take a minimum of 2 pictures of the work area and/or item(s) worked on

                       3. Type description of pictures under "write note to your team"

                       4. Click on checkbox next to "share note internally on selected client work

                       5. Click green SAVE button at bottom of page

                       6. Complete Job Form and click green SAVE button

                       7. Click green Complete Visit button

                       8. Click Close job and invoice now

                       9.  Click green “Review & Send < Review and Next < Send by text message < Send Text 

                       10. Close out Job

                          a. Customer is present

                                      i. Notify the customer invoice has been sent and they may pay by opening

                                          the message. 

                                      ii. Confirm customer is satisfied with our service 

                                      iii.  Return to schedule and repeat steps to next appointment

                         b. Customer is not present

                                     i.  Notify the Office Job is completed and you are moving to next appointment 

                                     ii.  Return to schedule and repeat steps to next appointment

Note: This SOP can be customized based on the specific requirements and guidelines of Budd’s Plumbing. Regularly review and update the SOP to ensure it remains accurate and aligned with the company's evolving needs. Make notes below in Red that would make this SOP more efficient. Before changing the SOP above, Ben and Mike need to sign off on it.