Finance / Administration Accountability Chart

                                  Finance / Administration 

Daily processes in which our company is built to run by. This chart is to lay out the responsibilities which you as the Operation Manager will be accountable for.It is important that our daily operation processes are tracked and controlled as we grow. Keeping our core values in sight over everything else. As we grow as both a team and as a  company it is most important we ourselves are true to our process and believe in it. Although our processes  may change over time as we grow and thrive to improve our services, it is important no changes are made without consultation with the management team and providing and completing a proper and thought-out SOP for the change. Only after full agreement and process workshops are achieved may our operations be updated. We are looking forward to this adventure and growing together both professionally and personally

                                      Accountability Chart

Finance / Administration Accountability Chart 


  • Accounting:
    • AR
    • AP
    • Weekly categorizations
    • Reconciles
  • Office administration
    • Service
      • Client onboarding
        • Text confirmation of service agreement via Podium
      • Tracking expenses and time clock mgt
      • Scheduling
      • Tech communication for logistics
    • Permits
    • Payroll
      • Timesheet mgt via Jobber
      • Requested time off
      • Commissions
    • Human Resources
      • Recruiting process
      • Employee onboarding
        • Employee application
          • Benefit analysis
          • Total cost to company to analysis
        • Handbook implementation - (Operation Manager ?)
        • QBO onboarding
        • Benefits package implementation
      • Ongoing human resources
        • Time requested off